Friday - Day 5 – Wood Reef & GDR Area

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2017 Far North Expedition
Northbound Trip Report
16th to 23rd October 2017

Arriving at Wood Reef in the first light of the day it was very hard to see the structure of the reef and we searched with the tender to find the edge of the outcrop that is known as Big Woody. The point sticks out into the deep with the bottom over 200m below the tunnel that cuts straight through the entire tip of the reef. Huge soft corals cover the deeper section of the tip that was coated in a school of Fusiliers being watched by a juvenile Silver Tip Shark. Our second dive at Wood Reef was a tender drop and gentle drift long the outer wall of the reef where the divers marvelled at the size of one of the biggest yellow gorgonian fans that I have ever seen. We then moved north west into the Three Reefs region and found an incredible new site that we called Winter Wonderland after all the amazing blue and purple corals that covered the sandy bottom. A huge Marble Ray rested, covered in sand, startling everyone as it rose and soared off into the blue, a Leopard Shark was spotted and a huge 2m plus Queensland grouper was also found making its way through the coral gardens. For our afternoon and night dive we headed to one of our favourite sites in the region, The Pinnacle, to spend as much time as possible discovering all the incredible macro life that hid on the towering 38m high coral structure. Numerous different types of Nudibranch were spotted and during the night dive several Slipper Lobsters crawled across the huge soft corals and fans. We also found 3 Pleurobranchs on the top of the Pinnacle which finished off an awesome day of diving.



このページは、m12が2017年8月 5日 19:36に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「最新スピリットオブフリーダム トリップレポート!!」です。

次のブログ記事は「Saturday – Day 6 – Three Reefs and GDR」です。


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