最新スピリットオブフリーダムWednesday - Day 3 – Lockhart River to Princes Charlotte Bay Area トリップレポート!! z

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Wednesday saw our divers starting with their first expedition dives in places that very few people have ever dived before. We started loading the tenders and dropping the divers along the 40m deep wall at Amazing Grace. Unfortunately the big tidal changes created back eddies and swirls along the wall that meant the divers did not have an easy dive back to the boat. In these less often dived areas it is difficult to predict the tidal flow and the structure of the reef systems creates non linear flows so we headed to Aladdin’s Cave where we have dived every year. Captain Ross came alongside the reef and live dropped the divers to drift along in the current, which was flowing inwards, on an outgoing tide. Reg & Barb headed out across the sandy shelf and sat on the drop off and spotted several juvenile Silver Tip Sharks out in the deep. After lunch everyone jumped off the back of the boat to explore the tunnels and passageways amongst the huge coral heads on the sandy slope and encountered a huge Loggerhead Turtle cruising along. The final dive of the day was a dusk dive at Beautiful Gardens to catch the change in the marine life as the daylight faded and the reef fish hid themselves amongst the coral to protect themselves from the nocturnal predators. Parrotfish covered themselves in a mucus bubble and the crustaceans started to appear from their hiding places to be illuminated by the beams of the divers’ torches.



このページは、m12が2017年8月 1日 19:21に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「最新スプリットオブフリーダム トリップレポート!」です。

次のブログ記事は「Thursday - Day 4 – Lockhart River Area」です。


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